Monday, January 10, 2011

The Week I've Been Waiting For

It is here, week number nine. It officially has been 9 weeks since surgery and I couldn't be more thrilled to know that as of Wednesday, I will be walking for the first time in over 9 and a half weeks. I almost don't remember what it's like to walk; the thought of standing on two legs vs. one while brushing my teeth seems crazy. I have made it to the end, what seemed like forever of a 9 weeks, is over and I'm going to say that I definitely won't miss wearing a cast. While it has been a good conversation starter, I'm ready to be a fully functioning member of society.

I want to give a shout out to all the people who have so graciously helped me throughout these past few weeks and I could not begin to thank you enough. Im not going to list specifically, but you all know who you are. The ones who came and picked me up and drove me places, the ones who took me to dinner or included me in their plans to get me out of the house, and the ones who did every little thing for me because I couldn't. I will not forget what you have done, and if you ever need help down the road, feel free to ask me. I'll help you out..

Here just a few of the things that I've done in the past few weeks:

I've worked on a painting where Chi-town met Van Gogh.

I've made three- cheese stuffed shells from scratch and homemade garlic bread.

I worked on a 14 hour painting for my cousin and her husband.

I have even gone bowling!

The countdown begins: 47 hours, 22 minutes.

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