Independence, it's something that we take for granted every day. You may think that making breakfast or putting on pants is a no- brainer in every day life. Now, take all of that easiness, and subtract a leg. Not so easy any more is it? As I've had to get more and more creative with the every day things, the achievements come in three parts: the idea, the execution, and the result. It's taken a lot of guess and check methods to achieve certain things such as opening doors. Most of us use our hands right? Well when I was in a wheel chair, my crutches added as my additional set of hands and legs, so I learned how to open most doors with crutches, except those doors that are so heavy, cough cough art building, I havent mastered those few ones yet. This knee scooter is amazing, it has made me more independent and less dependent on other people. While I still need to put skis on it or all terrain tires or something, it has made travel much easier. In the words of Ferris Bueller, " If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up, it is so choice."
Although this has been a rather negative event in my life, I am making lemonade out of lemons. Although I have to get craft most times ie putting cups in the band of my pants or even using a rubber band to drag my laundry to the washer, I'm determined to do any simple task my own way. Now walking 5 blocks in the rain home can be kind of a self esteem killer, but the flip side of the situation- I made it home, wet, but I made it home. A few weeks, my dad told me there was a lesson or a moral to this whole situation. At the time, I didn't really see what that could possibly be, nor did I think I ever would. I was so caught up with the fact that my life had hit a 3 month speed bump. Now, almost 4 weeks after surgery, I think I have finally figured out what it is, "keep moving forward". Although I may be unable to walk and get around like I want to, in order to keep getting better, I have to keep my chin up and embrace the little accomplishments that I face each day. Dad- If you see this, I know you think I never listen to your advice, but sometimes I do and I sit and ponder it.
Moral of the story, keep on keepin' on. Never take what you have for granted because one day, you too could hit a speed bump. You always have to think, there is always someone who has it worse than you do, and sometimes you may say, "How could things be worse?"Well my friend, you could be dead... Nobody wants that.
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