Those are just a few fun pictures of the snow that covered Champaign-Urbana this weekend.
This week has been rather different, there is snow covering the entire campus, and when I say the entire campus, I mean everything. It started heavily snowing friday night into saturday. Man was it difficult to get through the inch or so of snow. I'm pretty sure that having someone pull me in a sled would have been more effective. The worst part was not even that, it was waking up the next morning to go out, and realizing the unplowed streets, unplowed sidewalks and about 8 or so inches of snow. It took me about twice as long to go a block and a half that it usually does. I figured after that hike, it would be a very good idea to keep myself in my room for the day. Then, Sam and I decided to trek to Pizza Hut. Evaluating the sidewalk situation, we decided to take the non- fully iced side. Good call. After we finished, we decided to go to an a-capella concert. Going back towards the quad, the other side of the sidewalkWell this would have been fine and dandy had there not been so much snow, but because nothing was plowed, a walk to the quad took about 30 minutes and caused a very tired Monica. The walk back wasn't as bad because going back because I had remembered where the bumps and chunks of ice were. That wasn't even the worst of it. Sunday, the sun came out, melting some of the snow, however because it was only out for a brief amount of time, it was just long enough to melt the ice, only for it to freeze back over. I keep nagging on the art building, but truly, it is not the most handi-acessable building in the campus. The ramp, dry is difficult enough to get up. The ramp, iced and wet, nearly impossible. I used the combination of railings and lifting up the knee scooter. That's not to safe for someone with an already broken leg. I can't describe how many times I've either slipped or lost my balance almost breaking my leg. My poor friend Mariel fell and got a concussion. That's never good.
First semester is coming to a close. I'm actually on top of all my work and it feels great after being behind for a while after the 9 days of school missed. Being home for 5 weeks is going to be interesting on figuring out stuff to do. If anyone other that Google has an idea of what to do while in a cast (see a previous blog for the reference), let me know.
Aside from all the tough times on the scooter through the ice, it is rather comical to watch other in my dorm or friends figure out how to use or ride the scooter. They love to ride it and roll down the hill from the cafeteria almost into the wall (Devashish and Dustin). I'm still getting funny ironic looks from people that say to me, "Didn't you fall off a scooter?" Well I suppose as the phrase goes, "Get back on the horse."
It was a little sad this weekend knowing I couldn't play in the snow and watching everyone outside. Have fun for me :)
Lastly, this shout out is for Jeremy because he wanted to be mentioned in my blog. Here you go Jer-Bear.
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