Monday, November 29, 2010
The Adventures of Monica on a Knee Scooter
One of the downsides of this Knee Scooter is I don't bring my crutches with, thus when I have to go into tiny places, I must hop on my good leg. That's always fun to watch, it's amusement for those who have to put up with me (sam).
It's kind of ironic that I'm now in a scooter, since that would be the mode of travel that caused this accident. Hopefully this scooter having four wheel instead of two might be a little bit better for Monica the second time around.
Now some of you may ask, what exactly does a knee scooter look like?
Click on this video to find out, unfortunately mine isn't the sweet colors that they have in the video.
Knee Scooter!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Staple Free- The Way to Be
After the staples were gone, it was time for x-rays. The different nurse said to come with her, and my initial thought was, 'Without any bandages holding my foot in place?' Her response, "Yep". So then it was a test to see if I could hold up my leg without being in extreme pain. The result? Success. I made it to the x-ray room with ease, granted it was across the hall, but I got on the table and found I could actually move my foot on its own, without the technician having to move it like the past 3 x-rays.
So I had about 1 hour of actually seeing my very odd looking foot. The difference between my calve muscles was ridiculous after merely 3 weeks of no weight bearing. I realized what I could and couldn't do with my foot and was stretching it out a little with the help of my dad to get it at 90 degrees. It was weird to have feeling in some places of my leg, and little or no feeling in other places. Hopefully it will all come back eventually.
The doctor comes back and its cast time. I ask the curious question, 'So, is it going to be a full 10 weeks or 8 weeks?' Flat out I get the response, "10". Sweet. Basically, that means I go until mid- January without walking, just as its super icy and snowy, I can start to walk again! YAY! But on the flip side, after this cast, I don't have another one. I just have a boot thing that I still can put no weight on. I decided since I would have this one for about a month, make it candy cane looking. I now have red toes to match the cast. Thanks mother :)
I actually got a good night sleep without the staples jabbing into my foot, and slept comfortably on my side, a first!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Drawing and Going Out- The Essentials of Staying Occupied
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Oh the Things the Lil' Ones Can Do
Watch this video in order for this post to make sense.
So my friend Jon, stumbled upon this video and shared it with me. It is these 10-11 year old on scooters. Is it sad that they are about my height and doing all these crazy tricks, not breaking anything, and here I was just going to class, no flips or tricks, and I break three things? I think so. I'm fairly jealous, yet at the same time not so much. I feel there will be no scooter riding in my future. I'm definitely okay with that.
Nothing Like a New Hairdo
I've also decided that once I get this cast off, I'm going to get a very much needed pedicure. I don't even want to know what its going to look like after 3 months. But I've been painting my toes to match my cast so at least my toes look pretty. Note to self, wheelchairs are not so easy on the nails, just about all of mine are broken and chipped. Oh well.
I made a trip out to Naperville with a friend today. It was great to get out of the house and have some different surroundings. Lots of stuff to do there, so many stores! May have to make a trip out once my leg heals.
Only 1,312 hours left! The staples come out Friday. A little bit of pain the last few days on my ankle. Not really sure why but I wish I could see what was going on. Probably going to see if for about 30 minutes on Friday for an xray and re- cast. It's been decided, white with red stripes and red toes to match :)
Thanks for all the support! I get so excited to see my views going up. If you guys have any suggestions about topics you want me to explore or write about, let me know!
Monday, November 22, 2010
What to Do While in a Cast?
1. Five things to do while you wait for the Harry Potter Conclusion
2.The Top Ten Things to Do while Waiting for Your New Moon DVD (who would want to wait for that?)
3. 31 Funny Things to Do with a Cast Iron Skillet/
4. (One of the only things relevant) Things to Do While wearing a leg cast - Decorate it and have people sign it. Thanks google, I didn't already think of that one.
If any of you have ideas that can help pass the next 1,344 hours, please let me know. :)
A Good Way to Make the Next 1,680 Hours Go by Faster
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Extreme Darren Video
My friend Caitlin sent me this link earlier when I started going to class on a scooter, little did I realize, my fate would be similar to his. You should all feel free to enjoy it.
Who Knew?
Friday, November 19, 2010
A Shout Out to the Nice People of the World
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monica Takes a Nasty Spill
So, the inspiration for this blog came around about two weeks ago. I was going to class on my Razor scooter, and then within seconds was in pain writhing in pain. I heard that crunching that just about anyone who has broken a bone knows. It doesn't sound pretty. Thus, as I was on the floor attempting to get up, immediately fell over. My leg did one thing and my ankle did another. That's never good. You would think that in a heavily traveled area someone is bound to stop and help a crying girl on the side walk, this is not the case on the streets of Champaign. It wasn't until the call to my boyfriend had been made that someone came to help. Thanks to all the kids coming out of Illini Towers that didn't stop to help. As I made my way to the Champaign hospital and 2 mg of Morphine later, things started moving pretty quickly.
X- Ray time and the results are: A broken fibula and broken ankle in two places. Good question, how does one go about fixing this? One word. Surgery. The heart rate went up on that one. After a 15 lb plaster splint, and now 10 mg of Morphine later, it's time to go home.
Upon returning, I realized, how would I get my new jeans off over this cast? The answer: Have your roomie cut them off into shorts. Bye bye new jeans.
Monday Nov. 8.
Surgery time! After an an hour and a half of prep time and a sexy hospital gown, it's time to go under. About an hour and forty five later, I awake from surgery. Unable to feel my leg due to a nerve blocker, I make my way back to consciousness and am greeting with an apple juice box and graham crackers. Yummy.
Tuesday Nov. 9.
Wakey- wakey leg! It's time to feel the pain! But flowers from some people help throughout the day and make things better.
Wednesday Nov. 10.
Monica learns the importance of Vicodin and how to use it wisely. It does marvelous things.
Friday Nov. 12.
I make the adventure outside my house. To eat mexican food I go!
Monday Nov. 15.
One week after surgery. The plaster comes of and survey says: 30 staples in my leg!
Got a lovely purple cast to match the bruising on my foot. It looks delicious. It's time to go back to school, things are going to get interesting.
Tuesday Nov. 16.
You would think that if you saw a person in a wheel chair crossing the street, you would stop and let them cross, right? Apparently not the situation in Champaign. Almost got hit by 2 cars. It's just like every other day.
Wednesday Nov. 17.
Note to self: Saw dust on floor of art room= no no for crutches + a nasty spill.
This blog is dedicated to the daily struggles, mountains I must climb and stories I have to tell.
Airport security: Beware. I have a lot of hardware now. I'm not afraid to use it.