Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nothing Like a New Hairdo

So, I had planned to get a haircut a few weeks ago pre- accident. Little did I realize that it would make me feel much better for some reason. The past few weeks have been a roller coaster of accomplishments and defeats. Some days have been good, others have been not so good. Overall the haircut has lifted my spirits a little. It's probably because for the past three weeks I've been wearing sweatpants and t- shirts all week and going on about 3 showers a week. My hair for the past few weeks has consisted of being in a bun because its easy to deal with. But today was the first day it was down and actually looked presentable. So to those of you who like me are in a cast, I would recommend it.
(Kind of MySpace-y, I know. My apologies).

I've also decided that once I get this cast off, I'm going to get a very much needed pedicure. I don't even want to know what its going to look like after 3 months. But I've been painting my toes to match my cast so at least my toes look pretty. Note to self, wheelchairs are not so easy on the nails, just about all of mine are broken and chipped. Oh well.

I made a trip out to Naperville with a friend today. It was great to get out of the house and have some different surroundings. Lots of stuff to do there,  so many stores! May have to make a trip out once my leg heals.

Only 1,312 hours left! The staples come out Friday. A little bit of pain the last few days on my ankle. Not really sure why but I wish I could see what was going on. Probably going to see if for about 30 minutes on Friday for an xray and re- cast. It's been decided, white with red stripes and red toes to match :)

Thanks for all the support! I get so excited to see my views going up. If you guys have any suggestions about topics you want me to explore or write about, let me know!

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