Friday, November 19, 2010

A Shout Out to the Nice People of the World

So, apparently all the nice people of the world have been hiding out. It's like, do I really need to break a limb in order for all these people to appear? You would be surprised at the number of random strangers willing to help a girl struggling to get into a building. According to my boyfriend, they are always hiding because they don't want to get hit by the crazy bikers of Champaign. That in and of itself is a good excuse to hide. Not only are people willing to help into me buildings but helping find my lost belongings. After Sam and I made our way back to my dorm yesterday, we get to the elevator only for me to say, "Where are my crutches?" I then realized they were back in the art building bathroom. So, we went all the way back to the art building and ask some nice strangers to go into the bathroom to get them. Here's to the nice people of the world, thank you very much and one day if I see you struggling, I may very well help you in return.

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