Saturday, November 27, 2010

Staple Free- The Way to Be

Yesterday I got 30 staples taken out of my leg. That was fun. It felt as if the nurse was sticking me with a needle about 30 times. Previous to that, she brings in this vaccum -looking thing. Its a saw thats going to cut of my cast. Goodie! Little did I realize it would be rather scary and felt as though it was going to cut into my leg. I was rather scared to say the least. When she went over the staples with that, man was that a special feeling. Not only do I have staples piecing my leg, but I now have the pressure of those staples and the saw. Once the cast was broken off, I had about three layers of cotton ball like material to go through. Then she got to the blue ace wrap that had been cutting off my foot circulation for the past two weeks. That was a relief to get off. I saw my shriveled foot, and thought to myself, 'My foot looks about 90 years old'.

After the staples were gone, it was time for x-rays. The different nurse said to come with her, and my initial thought was, 'Without any bandages holding my foot in place?' Her response, "Yep". So then it was a test to see if I could hold up my leg without being in extreme pain. The result? Success. I made it to the x-ray room with ease, granted it was across the hall, but I got on the table and found I could actually move my foot on its own, without the technician having to move it like the past 3 x-rays.

So I had about 1 hour of actually seeing my very odd looking foot. The difference between my calve muscles was ridiculous after merely 3 weeks of no weight bearing. I realized what I could and couldn't do with my foot and was stretching it out a little with the help of my dad to get it at 90 degrees. It was weird to have feeling in some places of my leg, and little or no feeling in other places. Hopefully it will all come back eventually.

The doctor comes back and its cast time. I ask the curious question, 'So, is it going to be a full 10 weeks or 8 weeks?' Flat out I get the response, "10". Sweet. Basically, that means I go until mid- January without walking, just as its super icy and snowy, I can start to walk again! YAY! But on the flip side, after this cast, I don't have another one. I just have a boot thing that I still can put no weight on. I decided since I would have this one for about a month, make it candy cane looking. I now have red toes to match the cast. Thanks mother :)

I actually got a good night sleep without the staples jabbing into my foot, and slept comfortably on my side, a first!

Only another 1, 211 hours left in a cast. Enjoy the pictures and keep on keepin' up with my blog :)

The Old Cast

The New One

Some fun pictures for your viewing pleasure. 

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